Product Description
Chlorine Removal Calcium Sulfite Ball is composed of 90% Calcium Sulfite. It is widely used in swimming pool, shower, bath club, chlorine removing equipment and etc. CaSO3 ball has optimal performance in removing chlorine, including C10-, HC10, Cl2, and could remove 99% Chlorine in 0.8 seconds.
- Excellent efficiency of remove residual chlorine in water.
- Diminution of bad smell, bad taste, impurities, organic matter.
1. SDIC is widely used in the sterilization of algae in the circulating water systems of power plants, petroleum, chemical industry, textile and electronic industries. sdic 56%.60% granular
2. SDIC is a bleach and disinfectant with excellent performance in daily chemical industry and textile industry. sdic
3. Disinfect water bodies and aquaculture sites in animal husbandry and aquaculture. sdic 56%.60% granular
4. In agricultural planting, a variety of crops fungi, bacteria and other diseases have special effects. sdic 56%.60% granular
5. Cleaning and disinfection in food and beverage processing industry as pool disinfectant and public places such as hospitals and hotels.
How to purify water with bleaching powder, chlorine tablets
Aug 13, 2019 - Clear water derived from this could be used as chlorine solution. To purify drinking water from bacteria, add 8 drops (0.5 ml) of chlorine solution
Be sure that bleach to be used to purify drinking water contains only sodium ... of treated water further with a small pinch of salt or by mixing in a drink powder
Bleaching powder usage ratios to clean water storage tanks
Aug 27, 2008 - Now the drinking water after filtration has some kind of bleaching powder smell, is it safe to consume this water? Whether bleaching powder is
Sterilization of Water by using Bleaching Powder | Chemistry
Mar 2, 2020 - If bleach is used for household water treatment system, concentration should be regularly checked and proper dosage strategy should be
Bleaching powder treatment. 4. SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection). And the list goes on…. Boiling is perhaps the most commonly used water purification technique
Calcium hypochlorite - Wikipedia
It is the main active ingredient of commercial products called bleaching powder, chlorine powder, or chlorinated lime, used for water treatment and as a
chlorine as disinfectant for water - Lenntech
Chlorine is one of the most commonly used disinfectants for water disinfection. ... When bleaching powder dissolves, it reacts with water to underchloric acid ... gas is only used for large municipal and industrial water purification installations
Disinfect Wells and Tanks - Watertiger - Water purification and
How to disinfect wells, tanks, and large water barrels. Looking for information on how to disinfect wells and tanks? The following should be used as a guideline only. ... You can use regular household bleach (approximately 5% chlorine) or